Positive Learning and Integrated Design (PLAID) takes the best of evidence-based practices in education, positive psychology, behavior supports, mental health and social emotional development and integrates them into in a dynamic and child focused approach.Through this weaving of academic and functional skills with social emotional learning, students will: improve in academic, communication, social and life-management skills; avoid higher levels of psychiatric or behavioral health care; return to public school, ready to learn!; prepare for independence and life after high school
Our unique educational approach weaves 21st century skills into a rich and robust fabric of instruction for students.
The PLAID framework intentionally and explicitly integrates social emotional learning, character development and academic/functional skill development across the curriculum.
What are teachers weaving into their lesson plans?
Character traits essential for communication, collaboration and pro-social behavior are woven into PLAID unit and lesson plans.
Opportunities for students to learn and demonstrate academic, functional and social skills the way they are connected and used in the real world. Community-based activities allow students to expand their knowledge and demonstrate their skills outside of school walls.
Technology to enhance and expand learning and improve accessibility and communication.
Mental wellness and the ability to be mindful as we move through our busy days and lives is critical for a healthy life and future. Students learn and practice easy strategies to focus their attention, improve their self-regulation skills, build resilience to stress, and develop a positive, growth mindset in both school and life.
Why PLAID as our fabric?
We believe KIDS CAN learn and can have success in the future!
We must prepare them for the challenges that they will face. Therefore, Pace’s holistic model weaving mental wellness, social positive behavior and academics into every lesson will lead to better outcomes for our students.